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Curriculum Overview


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective.  The kindergarten program offers a survey of the Bible. Interactive lessons and engaging activities foster critical thinking and foster a deepening of Godly character traits. Students are introduced to a multimedia Bible timeline that continues through fifth grade, creating a historical reference for students.  Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. Students are given the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges. 


A Reader’s Workshop approach is the foundation of this program combined with an emphasis on strong phonemic awareness skills.  All within the structure of large and small group instruction.


This program uses the Writer’s Workshop to introduce students to the writing process within a shared, interactive and modeled approach with the goal of moving toward increased independence. Basic concepts and conventions of print are introduced and developed. Students use a combination of shared writing, drawings, invented spelling and traditional spelling to express their ideas.


Spelling is integrated into the reading and writing readiness program.


The Handwriting Without Tears program incorporates hands-on activities and multisensory teaching strategies that build good handwriting habits. 


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to achieve mastery. Mathematical problem-solving is at the core of this curriculum, as well as mathematical skills and concepts. In Kindergarten a strong emphasis is placed on counting, number sense, and the composition and decomposition of numbers. A wealth of resources such as digital media, manipulatives, workbooks, and more support the learner in entering the world of mathematics.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  The program teaches units in the fields of Life, Earth, and Physical sciences within the framework of a biblical world view.  Children are given opportunities to explore and experiment within the framework of each unit.

Social Studies

National holidays and seasonal themes are presented through literature, discussions, and special activities.  Through these activities, the children discover the reasons for celebration. Emphasis is placed on the spiritual or patriotic reasons for holidays.


The study of music contributes in important ways to the quality of every student’s life.  In the K-3 courses, the students are systematically exposed to the basic elements of music through singing and playing instruments, as well as minimal composing and notation.  Rhythm and note reading skills are put into practice through the use of melodic instruments.  The third grade makes practical use of the course material in the study of the recorder. Students can express themselves creatively and develop vocal confidence through performance traditions.  Both vocal and instrumental music are stressed as means of praise to God.

Physical Education

Physical Education for grades K-2 is a process of introducing and re-emphasizing various physical skills, while developing a level of Physical Fitness.  This process begins in Kindergarten where students are introduced to Physical Education through many large and small group activities in a pleasant and non-competitive climate.  Basic motor movement (running, jumping, hopping and skipping) are stressed, along with movement exploration, leading to the development of flexibility, strength, endurance and rhythmic accuracy.  Some of the activities include relay games, lead up games, jumping rope, and ball handling.  Godly principles are integrated into the development of sportsmanship.


The Kindergarten curriculum is designed to introduce students to the wonders of a library.  Students are exposed to a variety of authors and genres with the hope that they will become enthralled with books and reading.  They are taught library procedures such as browsing, selecting, and borrowing books.  Students begin to learn the parts of a book, as well as proper book care.

Computer Science

The Grade K-2 computer/technology course of study identifies essential knowledge and skills that all students need to be active, lifelong learners in a technology intensive environment.  Technology is undergoing rapid change, and new and improved technological advances appear almost daily.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Several areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, and  keyboarding are the main emphasis with exposure to word processing and multimedia.  The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective. In first grade, Deep Roots, is based in the Old Testament with a focus on creation through to the Promised Land. In each unit there is a connection made to the New Testament and how these Old Testament experiences point to Christ. Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. Students are given the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges.


We are using the Reader’s Workshop approach to present a systematic, logical, phonetic approach to understanding and using written language.  The emphasis is on phonetic attack, comprehension skills, and written expression of thoughts and feelings.  Christian values are brought out through discussion of materials read.  Students are exposed to various literature genres, and outside pleasure reading is encouraged.


This program uses the Writer’s Workshop approach to develop an understanding of and ability to apply the five stages of the writing process within a shared, interactive, modeled and independent approach.  They are introduced to peer conferencing through extensive modeling as a means of revising their writing.  Students continue to build their ability to understand and apply the traits of good writing.  Skills are developed in several genres of writing and instruction of conventions is embedded into the writing process.


This course utilizes an approach of systematic sound-letter patterns.  It also presents commonly used words that have irregular phonetic patterns.  This course emphasizes the use of assigned words in written expression.


Students continue to refine a traditional manuscript that was introduced in Kindergarten.  Emphasis is placed on correct formation and legibility of letters, as well as proper placement on lined paper.


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to meet with success in the field of mathematics.  At this level the program focuses on place values, basic facts, mental math, and geometry concepts.  The underlying theme of mathematical problem solving is integrated throughout each unit.  Concepts are first addressed concretely and then students move to pictorial and finally abstract representations of the concepts presented.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  A biblical world view is the over-arching framework for a collection of life, Earth, and physical science units.  There is an emphasis in the life science realm with units surrounding animals and their habitats.

Social Studies

The BJU Heritage Studies, 4th Edition, encourages students to analyze and evaluate historical events, world cultures, and primary sources all from a biblical worldview.  Engaging lessons as well as stimulating classroom activities help students to develop understanding in the areas of history, civics, geography, and economics.  The first grade program puts an emphasis on the student as the member of a family and community.


Elementary Art for grades 1-3 is designed to teach children the elements of art while helping them grow more sensitive to the wonders of God’s creation, particularly the beauty and genius of God’s designs and their place as part of God’s creation.  As their ability to create increases, this course will help them recognize their responsibility to develop this gift and use it to glorify God.  Opportunities will be given for skill development in a number of media and for introduction to a variety of famous artists and their works.


The study of music contributes in important ways to the quality of every student’s life.  In the K-3 courses, the students are systematically exposed to the basic elements of music through singing and playing instruments, as well as minimal composing and notation.  Rhythm and note reading skills are put into practice through the use of melodic instruments.  The third grade makes practical use of the course material in the study of the recorder.  Students can express themselves creatively and develop vocal confidence through performance traditions.  Both vocal and instrumental music are stressed as means of praise to God.

Physical Education

Physical Education for grades K-2 is a process of introducing and re-emphasizing various physical skills, while developing a level of Physical Fitness.  This process begins in Kindergarten, where students are introduced to Physical Education through many large and small group activities in a pleasant and non-competitive climate.  Basic motor movement (running, jumping, hopping and skipping) are stressed, along with movement exploration, leading to the development of flexibility, strength, endurance and rhythmic accuracy.  Some of the activities include relay games, lead up games, jumping rope, and ball handling.  Godly principles are integrated into the development of sportsmanship.


In grades 1-2 students are introduced to the arrangement of a library with the goal that they become self-sufficient patrons.  They learn the location of easy fiction, easy nonfiction, easy biography, fiction, nonfiction, biography and reference.  Students are introduced to the On-Line Catalog.  They learn to look up keywords, subjects, authors, and titles so that they can then locate material on the shelves.  Literature skills continue to be emphasized.

Computer Science

The Grade K-2 computer/technology course of study identifies essential knowledge and skills that all students need to be active, lifelong learners in a technology intensive environment.  Technology is undergoing rapid change, and new and improved technological advances appear almost daily.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Several areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, and  keyboarding are the main emphasis with exposure to word processing and multimedia.  The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective. In second grade, Deep Roots is based in the New Testament gospels, with a focus on Jesus’ miracles and relationships. Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. Students are given the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges.


This course of study emphasizes a Reader’s Workshop approach that builds on the skills taught in 1st grade.  Students are encouraged to choose their own text, while using comprehension strategies to develop fluency, accuracy, and a lifelong love for reading.


This program uses the Writer’s Workshop approach to enable students to develop independence in their understanding and application of the five stages of the writing process and the traits of good writing.  Additional concepts of writing conventions and literary devices/elements are developed and utilized in writing pieces.  Students become more independent in their ability to generate ideas, use conventional spelling and express ideas in several writing genres.


The study is based upon a systematic sound-letter pattern.  Special emphasis is placed upon developing permanent spelling skills in order that the child might effectively communicate through the written word.


This course helps students further develop the art of traditional manuscript.  Special emphasis is placed on spacing and letter formation.


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to meet with success in the field of mathematics.  In second grade, there is increasing skill development and complexity in the areas of basic facts, place value, mental math and geometric concepts.  Students continue to work concretely and move toward more abstract representations of the concepts.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  A biblical world view is the over-arching framework for the units in second grade.  Animals and Plants are explored in several units, as well as a unit on the work of water.  A physical science unit on materials and their uses completes this year of study.

Social Studies

The BJU Heritage Studies, 4th Edition, encourages students to analyze and evaluate historical events, world cultures, and primary sources all from a biblical worldview.  Engaging lessons as well as stimulating classroom activities help students to develop understanding in the areas of history, civics, geography, and economics.  The second grade program explores the role of Christian citizenship in community and government. 


Elementary Art for grades 1-3 is designed to teach children the elements of art while helping them grow more sensitive to the wonders of God’s creation, particularly the beauty and genius of God’s designs and their place as part of God’s creation.  As their ability to create increases, this course will help them recognize their responsibility to develop this gift and use it to glorify God.  Opportunities will be given for skill development in a number of media and for introduction to a variety of famous artists and their works.


The study of music contributes in important ways to the quality of every student’s life.  In the K-3 courses, the students are systematically exposed to the basic elements of music through singing and playing instruments, as well as minimal composing and notation.  Rhythm and note reading skills are put into practice through the use of melodic instruments.  The third grade makes practical use of the course material in the study of the recorder.  Students can express themselves creatively and develop vocal confidence through performance traditions.  Both vocal and instrumental music are stressed as means of praise to God.

Physical Education

Physical Education for grades K-2 is a process of introducing and re-emphasizing various physical skills, while developing a level of Physical Fitness.  This process begins in Kindergarten, where students are introduced to Physical Education through many large and small group activities in a pleasant and non-competitive climate.  Basic motor movement (running, jumping, hopping and skipping) are stressed, along with movement exploration, leading to the development of flexibility, strength, endurance and rhythmic accuracy.  Some of the activities include relay games, lead up games, jumping rope, and ball handling.  Godly principles are integrated into the development of sportsmanship.


In grades 1-2 students are introduced to the arrangement of a library with the goal that they become self-sufficient patrons.  They learn the location of easy fiction, easy nonfiction, easy biography, fiction, nonfiction, biography and reference.  Students are introduced to the On-Line Catalog.  They learn to look up keywords, subjects, authors, and titles so that they can then locate material on the shelves.  Literature skills continue to be emphasized.

Computer Science

The Grade K-2 computer/technology course of study identifies essential knowledge and skills that all students need to be active, lifelong learners in a technology intensive environment.  Technology is undergoing rapid change, and new and improved technological advances appear almost daily.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Several areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, and  keyboarding are the main emphasis with exposure to word processing and multimedia.  The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective. In third grade, Deep Roots is based in the Old Testament, with a focus on major events and characters from the nation of Israel. Connections are made to the New Testament and how these events point to Christ. Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. Students are given the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges.


The third grade Reader’s Workshop curriculum focuses on comprehension strategies, fluency, vocabulary building, study skills, decoding skills, use of reference materials and literature.  Reading experiences are enriched through thematic book reports and project presentations.  Students are required to do outside reading.  Discussions correlate values and problems expressed in stories with appropriate Biblical principles.


In Writer’s Workshop, students are increasing their independence towards mastery of the writing process and the traits of good writing.  As they increase their skills in various genres of writing, students are beginning to consider audience and purpose.  Greater emphasis is placed on the application of literary elements as well as the ability to reflect on their personal growth as a writer.  Instruction in the conventions of writing continues to be extended and utilized in student work.


Students continue to systematically study the sound-letter patterns and the structure words.  Emphasis is placed on correctly spelling assigned words in all written work.


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to achieve mastery.  Mathematical problem solving is emphasized at this level as well as the consolidating of skills.  Fractions, decimals, model drawing, and other key concepts are addressed in preparation for algebra.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  A biblical world view is the over-arching framework for these units.  Students will explore animals, plants, and ecosystems.  Physical science units include force and motion, as well as water and weather.  The online resources and experiments provide rich experiences for the learner.

Social Studies

The BJU Heritage Studies, 4th Edition, encourages students to analyze and evaluate historical events, world cultures, and primary sources all from a biblical worldview.  Engaging lessons as well as stimulating classroom activities help students to develop understanding in the areas of history, civics, geography, and economics.  The third grade program introduces students to the cultures of the world and explores the regions of the world through climates, geography, economics and more.


The Spanish class will focus on maximizing exposure to the language and encouraging communication. The vocabulary acquisition will be attained by making connections through songs, stories, play, and practice. The students will learn standard Spanish to greet each other, introduce themselves, express their feelings and preferences, talk about themselves and others, and more. Relevant cultural elements and sound biblical content will enrich the learning experience.


Elementary Art for grades 1-3 is designed to teach children the elements of art while helping them grow more sensitive to the wonders of God’s creation, particularly the beauty and genius of God’s designs and their place as part of God’s creation.  As their ability to create increases, this course will help them recognize their responsibility to develop this gift and use it to glorify God.  Opportunities will be given for skill development in a number of media and for introduction to a variety of famous artists and their works.


The study of music contributes in important ways to the quality of every student’s life.  In the K-3 courses, the students are systematically exposed to the basic elements of music through singing and playing instruments, as well as minimal composing and notation.  Rhythm and note reading skills are put into practice through the use of melodic instruments.  The third grade makes practical use of the course material in the study of the recorder.  Students can express themselves creatively and develop vocal confidence through performance traditions.  Both vocal and instrumental music are stressed as means of praise to God.

Physical Education

Skill refinement and work on physical fitness continues in grades 3-4.  Many of the activities learned in the previous grades are repeated.  More emphasis is placed on correct techniques in such skills as throwing, catching, kicking, jumping, and individual exercises.  Students also engage in team-oriented activities.  Accuracy of movement, coordination and good form are stressed.  Biblical principles are used in the development of good sportsmanship, player consideration, and team loyalty.  Activities include, but not limited to, kickball, flag football, soccer, hockey, basketball, volleyball, and badminton.

Library/Media Technology

In grades 3-5 instruction continues in the self-sufficient use of the library, with a growing emphasis on library use as a resource for research.  In addition to use of the library collection, students will work with digital content and media materials.  Instructions in the use of technology for the gathering of information will fall into several content areas such as:  social and ethical issues, word processing, keyboarding, database and multimedia. They learn to use school approved websites and search engines for research purposes.  Responsible use of the internet is discussed and explored.

Computer Science

The Grade 3-5 computer/technology course of study is incorporated into the Library Media course of study.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Seven areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheet, database and multimedia.  Additional time is spent in the classroom setting using developed skills and applying them to classroom projects or content when appropriate throughout the year. The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective. In fourth grade, Deep Roots is based in the New Testament, with a focus on the book of Acts and the New Testament church. Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. A strong apologetics component gives students the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges.


The fourth grade reading curriculum builds on previously acquired reading skills.  The program emphasizes development of vocabulary, Greek and Latin roots, comprehension, thinking and literary skills.  A variety of reading material is offered to give experience with many aspects of literature.  Students are required to do outside reading within a prescribed ability range.  Appropriate Biblical principles are incorporated into discussions of material read.


The development of understanding and application of the five stages of the writing process, the traits of good writing and the conventions of written expression continue to be a major focus for students as they are asked to apply these skills in a growing number of genres, as well as in writing across the curriculum.  They are learning to write longer and more detailed compositions presented in a logical format.  They are also growing in their ability to independently and collaboratively evaluate their work.


The fourth grade spelling curriculum is designed to build lifelong spellers. It grows through skill instruction (phonics, word origins, spelling rules, usage, etc.) creative writing, and specific word study.  It incorporates visual skill-building strategies, as well as proofreading strategies.


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to achieve mastery.   Mathematical problem solving is emphasized at this level as well as the consolidating of computational skills.  Fractions, proportional reasoning, decimals, model drawing, and other key concepts are addressed in preparation for algebra.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  A biblical world view is the over-arching framework for these units on the human body, rocks, sound, and energy.  Students are given opportunities to explore and experiment with the concepts and ideas expressed in these units.

Social Studies

The BJU Heritage Studies, 4th Edition, encourages students to analyze and evaluate historical events, world cultures, and primary sources all from a biblical worldview.  Engaging lessons as well as stimulating classroom activities help students to develop understanding in the areas of history, civics, geography, and economics.  The fourth grade program focuses on the cultures and geography of the fifty states and 5 regions of the United States.


The Spanish class in 4th and 5th grades will continue to deepen vocabulary and exposure to the language with an increasing focus on being able to speak, write, and translate brief greetings, introductions, or conversations.  Music, stories, repetition, online and other resources will be used to develop basic communication skills and vocabulary in Spanish.


The art courses for grades four and five provide opportunities for students to learn about the splendor of God’s creation.  Students are encouraged to appreciate and develop their God-given talents by producing works of art using a variety of media including drawing from creation with still-life models, utilizing basic skills of perspective, focal point, etc.; painting using color mixing and a variety of techniques; using various types of clay to produce three-dimensional projects; and constructing craft items from a variety of cultures while manipulating color and texture.  Students develop the ability to make decisions and evaluate results as they plan and produce their art work.


In Music for grades four and five, students work for a clear understanding of musical notation, expression marks by following a choral score.  Rhythmic creativity is encouraged through the use of instruments to accompany existing songs and improvise on new songs.  Listening activities expose students to important compositions and composers.  Creative movement is incorporated into class activities to encourage the development of coordination and to promote better understanding of the beat and rhythmic/melodic flow.  The upper elementary grades periodically form a large choir to provide a beginning choral experience by singing for special events in the life of the school. Singing, both in groups and individually, is encouraged as a means of pleasure and praise to the Lord. 

Instrumental Music

In the instrumental lesson program for grades four and five, students apply the musical skills learned in the general music program to the band instruments of their choice.  Students learn to perform on these instruments with musical expression and technical accuracy, discovering joy in the process of collective music-making.  The lesson program culminates in student entry into the Lower School Concert Band.

Physical Education

Skill refinement and work on physical fitness continues in grades 3-4.  Many of the activities learned in the previous grades are repeated.  More emphasis is placed on correct techniques in such skills as throwing, catching, kicking, jumping, and individual exercises.  Students also engage in team-oriented activities.  Accuracy of movement, coordination and good form are stressed.  Biblical principles are used in the development of good sportsmanship, player consideration, and team loyalty.  Activities include, but not limited to, kickball, flag football, soccer, hockey, basketball, volleyball, and badminton.

Library/Media Technology

In grades 3-5 instruction continues in the self-sufficient use of the library, with a growing emphasis on library use as a resource for research.  In addition to use of the library collection, students will work with digital content and media materials.  Instructions in the use of technology for the gathering of information will fall into several content areas such as:  social and ethical issues, word processing, keyboarding, database and multimedia. They learn to use school approved websites and search engines for research purposes.  Responsible use of the internet is discussed and explored.

Computer Science

The Grade 3-5 computer/technology course of study is incorporated into the Library Media course of study.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Seven areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheet, database and multimedia.  Additional time is spent in the classroom setting using developed skills and applying them to classroom projects or content when appropriate throughout the year. The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.


Our bible program is called Deep Roots.  It is a program that teaches children to view everything from a biblical perspective. In fifth grade, Deep Roots is based in the New Testament, with a focus of learning from Christ about Christian living through the Epistles and Revelation. Slideshows, songs, and artistic presentations provide students with a multi-dimensional experience of the scriptures. A strong apologetics component gives students the tools and foundation to be able to stand firm in their faith as they face today’s cultural challenges.      


The fifth grade program combines the continued development of reading skills with the direct application of those skills through Reader’s Workshop.  It introduces students to a variety of literature.  There is a strong emphasis on comprehension strategies, building of literary appreciation, and integration of reading with other subject areas.  Students are required to do outside reading.  Biblical principles are incorporated into discussion whenever possible.


In Writer’s Workshop, the writing process continues to build on former instruction to further increase students’ abilities to move towards mastery of the writing process and the traits of good writing.  Students should be able to demonstrate the ability to develop topics with good details, to use literary elements to enhance their writing, to choose words that engage an audience, and to correctly use age-appropriate conventions of written expression.


The fifth grade spelling curriculum continues to build lifelong spellers.  Students continue to study the sound-letter patterns.  Emphasis is placed upon proofreading all written work.


Math in Focus is a research-based program that gives students multiple learning experiences to achieve mastery.   A wealth of resources provides each student with many experiences and multiple opportunities to achieve success.  Mathematical problem solving is emphasized at this level as well as the consolidating of computational skills.  Fractions, proportional reasoning, decimals, model drawing, and other key concepts are addressed in preparation for algebra.


Mystery Science is an online curriculum which is fully aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).  A biblical world view is the over-arching framework for these units and the ideas and scientific information presented.  In fifth grade there is a strong emphasis on physical and earth science units.  Students have many opportunities to engage with the concepts presented through projects and presentations and classroom experiments.

Social Studies

The BJU Heritage Studies, 4th Edition, encourages students to analyze and evaluate historical events, world cultures, and primary sources all from a biblical worldview.  Engaging lessons as well as stimulating classroom activities help students to develop understanding in the areas of history, civics, geography, and economics.  The fifth grade program is a chronological study  of the history of the United States. The chapters emphasize themes in U.S. history and encourage biblical evaluation of historical events.


The Spanish class in 4th and 5th grades will continue to deepen vocabulary and exposure to the language with an increasing focus on being able to speak, write, and translate brief greetings, introductions, or conversations.  Music, stories, repetition, online and other resources will be used to develop basic communication skills and vocabulary in Spanish.


The art courses for grades four and five provide opportunities for students to learn about the splendor of God’s creation.  Students are encouraged to appreciate and develop their God-given talents by producing works of art using a variety of media including drawing from creation with still-life models, utilizing basic skills of perspective, focal point, etc.; painting using color mixing and a variety of techniques; using various types of clay to produce three-dimensional projects; and constructing craft items from a variety of cultures while manipulating color and texture.  Students develop the ability to make decisions and evaluate results as they plan and produce their art work.


In Music for grades four and five, students work for a clear understanding of musical notation, expression marks by following a choral score.  Rhythmic creativity is encouraged through the use of instruments to accompany existing songs and improvise on new songs.  Listening activities expose students to important compositions and composers.  Creative movement is incorporated into class activities to encourage the development of coordination and to promote better understanding of the beat and rhythmic/melodic flow.  The upper elementary grades periodically form a large choir to provide a beginning choral experience by singing for special events in the life of the school. Singing, both in groups and individually, is encouraged as a means of pleasure and praise to the Lord. 

Instrumental Music

In the instrumental lesson program for grades four and five, students apply the musical skills learned in the general music program to the band instruments of their choice.  Students learn to perform on these instruments with musical expression and technical accuracy, discovering joy in the process of collective music-making.  The lesson program culminates in student entry into the Lower School Concert Band.

Physical Education

Many of the same skills from grades three and four are repeated and further developed in grade five.  Fitness work continues.  More emphasis and attention are given to skill refinement.  Emphasis on team loyalty and good sportsmanship continues using integration of Biblical principles.  Activities include, but not limited to, soccer, handball, kickball, basketball, flag football, volleyball, hockey, and badminton.

Library/Media Technology

In grades 3-5 instruction continues in the self-sufficient use of the library, with a growing emphasis on library use as a resource for research.  In addition to use of the library collection, students will work with digital content and media materials.  Instructions in the use of technology for the gathering of information will fall into several content areas such as:  social and ethical issues, word processing, keyboarding, database and multimedia. They learn to use school approved websites and search engines for research purposes.  Responsible use of the internet is discussed and explored.

Computer Science

The Grade 3-5 computer/technology course of study is incorporated into the Library Media course of study.  The curriculum is designed to form the foundation for continuous learning and to be applicable to ever-changing innovations.  Seven areas of content are addressed: social and ethical issues, computer skills, keyboarding, word processing, spreadsheet, database and multimedia.  Additional time is spent in the classroom setting using developed skills and applying them to classroom projects or content when appropriate throughout the year. The content of instruction for these areas is updated as innovations demand, and the skills are developed in increasing detail as the students move up in grade levels.

Gr. K Open House